Thursday, January 6, 2011

The UNmaster's degree

You might have noticed I ditched the master's in English plan. I wasn't kidding about the "new plan every week." One thing my cousin suggested when I was talking to her about her master's degree (in English) is that it might be equally satisfying to simply read great books on my own, if reading great books was my motivation for studying English. It is. So, I've decided to make this year a year full of literature. I figure any year that begins while you're in the middle of Moby Dick is a charmed one. I've set a goal to read more good books, more classics, more literature that will make me better and smarter and... better. So I'm going to do it, and also write down every book that I finish, which I've never tried before. Who's with me?

So, book number one is Othello, by Shakespeare.
Why: Having missed a couple of the standard Shakespeare plays in high school due to wacky liberal English teachers, I am trying to remedy the problem. Also, Colby and I got the GAME Othello for Christmas and so I've been thinking about the play all the time.
Verdict: Too sad. Partway through, I realized I knew where it was headed and didn't want to finish. But I had to finish. An interesting commentary on gullibility, misguided faith, trust in marriage, forgiveness, anger. Reminded me of Tartuffe - warning against misplaced zeal. Tragic, but worth reading.


  1. I'm in, Maria! Let me know the titles and when you are reading them. I would LOVE to discuss them with you (over the phone or on skype). Thanks for helping me with MY resolutions for the year.

  2. I made a resolution to read more as well. If you are going to concentrate on the classics, you should really get a kindle. All the classics are free on the kindle, which is great!
